Buy now

Follow the 5 steps to buy Qboxmail services.


Sign up for the free trial

To create your account and start using our services as a first step you need to register for the free trial.

Registration is immediate, just enter your first name, last name and email address to receive your Control Panel access credentials and set your password.


Login to the Control panel

Login to the Control Panel using your login credentials and start adding the domains and accounts you need.


Complete your first order

Click on Orders in the sidebar of the Control Panel and follow the wizard.

Enter the necessary billing information and choose the payment method that best suits your needs.

At the end of the procedure you will receive a confirmation message.


Make payment

Make your payment using the method of your choice to complete your order and unlock the full functionality of our services.


Enjoy our services

As soon as you receive the message “Qboxmail Account Active” you can log into your Control Panel and start activating and migrating all the domains and accounts you need. If you need assistance, you can open a ticket via the at any time.

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