
We are moving!

Elena Moccia

Who said that moving your office is all about chaos and boxes? 

It’s a great opportunity to declutter paperwork, used-up pens, and ediscover lost magical items like pens, notepads, highlithers…

Just as in everyday life, companies also experience changes, and moving to a new office represents a significant step, a new chapter you should approach with curiosity and enthusiasm.

It definitely hasn’t been easy to plan a move and ensure our best efficiency, but by organizing ourselves, we still managed to meet commitments and deadline.

The old office was too small for our need and our growing staff: we choosen a new workplace, largest , including a conference hall and a relax-zone. 

Changing the headquarter required a meticulous planning to ensure a stress-free and smooth relocation

To minimize work interruptions and maintain the team’s productivity, we wrote and followed a checklist. 

It was a great idea in order to alleviate the stress associated to a move, which is undoubtedly a very demanding period.

3-6 months before moving:

  1. Set the budget: include rent, logistc, services costs and renovation expenses
  2. Find your deadline: schedule a day or a deadline for the move
  3. Check you space needs: choose workplace’s dimentions and organization according to your needs
  4. Choose the new headquarters: consult different quotes while considering your company’s needs, projects, and objectives, and then select the option that aligns with the company’s activities
  5. Communicate with company employees: inform your staff about this news and involve them during the moving process
  6. Plan the furniture: when choosing the new hadquarters, begin to plan and design spaces and furniture. Think about renting or buying, request quotes as needed and evaluate the right solutions.

2-3 months before moving:

  1. Plan the logistic: identify the transportation, storage, and distribution needs for furniture and appliances.
  2. Select your suppliers: choose transport, rental and packaging services
  3. Order the new furniture: that’s the right moment to select the perfect quotation and order office furnishings and decors for your new workplace

1 month before moving:

  1. Plan the IT: be sure your IT infastructure is ready for the new office
  2. Box up all the items: start to pack document, old furnitures and objects and make sure to label each box with its contents
  3. Organize planning maps: create detailed maps and plans of the layout of the new office to streamline the setup process.

1-2 weeks before moving:

  1. Change address: update company address on your marketing materials, letterhead and documents (online and offiline)
  2. Move the utilities: check if all the utilities like energy and wather, are ready to use in the new office

3 days before moving

  1. Confirm move’s details: verify all the details and needs with your suppliers and be sure everything is all right
  2. Plan office furniture disassembly and assembly: Make sure the staff knows how to disassemble and reassemble furniture and equipment.

Moving Day

  1. Supervise the move: Ensure that the relocation goes according to plan and that all materials are moved safely

After moving

Following and keeping track of the various points has proven to be helpful in streamlining the work without getting bogged down in details. If you choose to follow this checklist for your move, make sure to customize it to fit the needs of your company and your team.

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