
Automatic cancellation of messages: find out how to best organize your emails

Often the email accounts are full of old or very old messages that we no longer need and you can keep them clean and tidy with the automatic deletion of folders. Automatic cancellation of messages A full email account makes...


CSV reports available in the Control Panel

From today, by accessing the Qboxmail control panel, our customers will find a very useful new feature: Reports. The Reports allow you to download in real time, through CSV files, the detailed reports of your domains and email accounts in...


New Webmail Editor: improved the composition of messages and signatures

Qboxmail's Webmail is enriched with a new editor that improves the composition of email messages and signatures. The new editor replaces the previous TinyMCE as it had shown some limits in terms of integration and a heavy load.With the new...


Desktop Webmail notifications available

With the release of version 1.1.8 of the Webmail, desktop push notifications were introduced when new email messages arrived.This is a fundamental step for Qboxmail because it is precisely with this new feature that users will find in Webmail a...


Panel by Qboxmail: the App to manage and monitor corporate emails

Historically, the management of corporate emails has always been in the hands of expert IT technicians. Why? Originally because Corporate Mail Servers were complex to manage, based on Sendmail or Qmail were to create a new email account you had...


Now you can launch a Migration immediately!

One of the features that you have asked us most frequently in recent years was the possibility of being able to plan a Migration the same day you upload it or even be able to launch it immediately.For a number...

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